How The Relief And Drainage Of The Indus Plain Have Made It Possible To Carry Out A Variety Of Economic Activities?

Q:-How The Relief And Drainage Of The Indus Plain Have Made It Possible To Carry Out A Variety Of Economic Activities?

Answer:-Pakistan is an agricultural country and is having one of the best
canal systems within the world. Due to Indus plain agricultural and textile industry are at the top and making the economy very
The Indus plain is one of the main contributors making the discount strong as the Indus river flows in the Indus plain, and due to this a canal system has be developed which has promoted agriculture and that is why many crops are growing surrounded by that place here. The basmati rice grown by Indus River at Indus basin is one of the best rice in the world.


  1. thanks
    you helped me with my homework

  2. This is all some crap
    The basic question is WHAT ARE THE RELIEF FEATURES OF WESTRERN MOUNTAINS instead yu are telling about there importance for conducting economical activities

    1. Deer,
      Daniell Denim, question says "HOW" not "WHAT"...
      hope this hint makes your confusion clear.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. At least this answer is better than your dumb head

  3. the information is useful but not detailed.

  4. Yeah,crow-titz,if you believe me put your hands up

  5. This help in my hw thank you

  6. Thank you.
    You helped me in my h.w!

  7. The answer is:
    β€˜The Indus Plain is the most productive reign of Pakistan. The relief and drainage of the Indus Plain encourages the growth of settlements. The doabs of the upper Indus Plain and the old and active flood plains of the Lower Indus Plains are excellent areas for farming. Since ancient times more than 80% of the total cultivated area of Pakistan has been located in the Indus Plain. Crops are grown the whole year round on the fertile flat land and undulating slope; cotton, rice and sugar-cane are grown in summer and wheat in winter, for example. An extensive system of canal irrigation has been developed because of the favourable relief for the construction of canals.

    The Indus Plain is the most developed reign of Pakistan. Infrastructure facilities are easier to provide. The transport network of road, rail and air is dense. Electricity is supplied to all the Urban centres like Lahore,Faisalabad, Gujranwala, sukkur and Hyderabad. Many of the rural areas have been supplied with electricity.

    The Indus Plain has a number of industries which consume local raw material e.g cotton textile, sugar mills, chemical industry. The industrial goods have a large domestic and foreign market. The population density varies from 50 to over 400 persons per

    1. this is a copy paste of the environment of Pakistan book. Helpful but marks would be cut for giving this answer as it is completely from the book and no individual work is put in.

  8. thx but did not help me in a way tho

  9. Accurate Answer
    Good Job!!!
    Keep it up!!

  10. Very helful notes
    Good job
    Keep it upπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  11. Can you give in deatiles Not very helpful

  12. i think it is a great answer

  13. Great it really did the work πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  14. It is the easiest answer thank you very much It gave me extra marks in my C.W

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