What did Shah Waliullah think were the main causes of the problems of the Muslims?

Q: What did Shah Waliullah think were the main causes of the problems ofthe Muslims? [4]

ANS: During his time in Arabia, Shah Waliullah thought deeply about the
problems faced by Muslims in the Mughal Empire. The Empire was in decline and
Muslims were disunited and vulnerable to attacks on their religion. Shah Waliullah
realized that reform could not come from the weak leadership in Delhi and that it
would come from within the Muslim community itself. He believed that many of
the problems resulted from their incomplete knowledge of Quran and about Islam
in general-and it was necessary that Quranic teachings become more accessible to
the people. A major problem for the Muslim community was the way it was
divided into sectarian groups, such as Sunnis and Shias. Shah Waliullah wanted
them to concentrate on the fundamental principles of Islam and put aside their
differences, believing that this would create a more united community. It was
essential to follow the moral and spiritual principles of Islam in order to create a
good society. Un-Islamic principles were not acceptable in any area of society,
whether politics, economy or just the day-to-day lives of the individual Muslims.
                                                          By M.H.KHAN.


  1. This all is copied from book (the history and culture of Pakistan) which was written by (NIGEL KELLY)

  2. All copied from "how successful were the religious thinkers in spreading islam in the subcontinent during the 18th and 19th century"

  3. This is now even complete correct answer! ,the last part is totally wrong, can ask your teachers Also

  4. This answer is undeveloped and not accurate. Many unecessary info is provided and obviously this is copied from the book of Nigel Kelly.
    Well this answer does not specify the question and is irrelevant
